
On this page:


Get a list of transactions

Get a list of transactions

Use this method to obtain a list of transactions on a specified account that the PSU has authorized to access.


Header parameters:


The authorization token as per

x-fapi-financial-id required

The unique identifier of the ASPSP issued by the Open Banking system.


The date and time when the PSU has last logged in system using a TPP application.


The IP address of the PSU who has logged in system using a TPP application.


The unique identifier of the initiating party (as per RFC4122 UID) used as a correlation identifier.


The user-agent used by the PSU.

Path parameters:

AccountId required

The account identifier.

Query parameters:


The date and time indicating the beginning of a time period during which a transaction was executed.

To filter the transactions only by date, set time to 00:00:00. If DateTime contains a timezone, the ASPSP ignores it.


The date and time indicating the end of a time period during which a transaction was executed.

To filter the transactions only by date, set time to 00:00:00. If DateTime contains a timezone, the ASPSP ignores it.


GET /accounts/account-id-example/transactions HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
x-fapi-financial-id: b621cec4-e775-49ab-980a-1900c6a09620
x-fapi-customer-last-logged-time: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Accept: application/json



Transaction object

This object provides the following data:

AccountId string

The account identifier.

TransactionId string

The transaction identifier.

TransactionReference string

The unique reference of a transaction.

StatementReference string

The unique reference of a statement.

CreditDebitIndicator string

Indicates whether a transaction is credit or debit.

Possible values:

  • Credit

  • Debit

Status string

The transaction status on the books of the account servicer. Possible values:

  • Booked

  • Pending

BookingDateTime string

The date and time when a transaction entry is posted to an account in the account servicer’s books.

ValueDateTime string

The date and time when assets become available to the account owner in case of a credit entry, or cease to be available to the account owner in case of a debit transaction entry.

AddressLine array

The bank address for sending checks. This value may be empty depending on the type of transaction.

Amount string

The amount of a transaction.

Currency string

The currency of a transaction as per ISO 4217.

CurrencyExchange object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SourceCurrency string

The currency from which an amount is to be converted in a currency conversion.

TargetCurrency string

The currency to which an amount is to be converted in a currency conversion.

UnitCurrency string

The currency unit as per ISO 4217.

ExchangeRate number

The exchange rate at which a transaction was made.

ContractIdentification string

The identifier of an exchange contract.

QuotationDate string

The date and time when an exchange rate is quoted.

BankTransactionCode object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Code string

The code of a bank transaction.

SubCode string

The subcode of a bank transaction.

ProprietaryBankTransactionCode object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Code string

The transaction code of a proprietary bank.

Issuer string

The issuer of the transaction code.

CardInstrument object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
CardSchemeName string

The name of the card scheme. Possible values:

  • AmericanExpress

  • Diners

  • Discover

  • MasterCard

  • VISA

AuthorizationType string

The authorization type. Possible values:

  • ConsumerDevice

  • Contactless

  • None

  • PIN

Name string

The name of a cardholder.

Identification string

The identification of the card used in the transaction. This identification is known by the account owner and may be masked.

SupplementaryData object

The additional information about a transaction.

TransactionInformation object

The details of a transaction.

Balance object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
CreditDebitIndicator string

Indicates whether the balance is credit or debit. A zero balance is considered to be a credit balance.

Possible values:

  • Credit

  • Debit

Type string

The balance type. Possible values:

  • ClosingAvailable

  • ClosingBooked

  • ClosingCleared

  • Expected

  • ForwardAvailable

  • Information

  • InterimAvailable

  • InterimBooked

  • InterimCleared

  • OpeningAvailable

  • OpeningBooked

  • OpeningCleared

  • PreviouslyClosedBooked

Amount string

The amount of money of the cash balance after a transaction entry is applied to an account.

Currency string

The currency of an account as per ISO 4217.

MerchantDetails object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
MerchantName string

The name of a merchant.

MerchantCategoryCode string

The category code as per ISO 18245, related to the type of services or goods the merchant provides for a transaction.

CreditorAgent object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of a financial institution of an agent.

Name string

The name of an agent.

PostalAddress object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
AddressType string

The address type of an agent. Possible values:

  • Business

  • Correspondence

  • DeliveryTo

  • MailTo

  • POBox

  • Postal

  • Residential

  • Statement

Department string

The department of the building of an agent.

SubDepartment string

The subdepartment of the building of an agent.

StreetName string

The name of the street of an agent.

BuildingNumber string

The number of the building of an agent.

PostCode string

The postal code of an agent.

TownName string

The name the town of an agent.

CountrySubDivision string

The subdivision of the country of an agent.

Country string

The country of an agent.

AddressLine array

The address line of an agent.

CreditorAccount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of the financial institution of a creditor account.

Name string

The name of an account.

SecondaryIdentification string

The secondary identification of an account assigned by the account servicing institution.

DebtorAgent object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of a financial institution of an agent.

Name string

The name of an agent.

PostalAddress object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
AddressType string

The address type of an agent. Possible values:

  • Business

  • Correspondence

  • DeliveryTo

  • MailTo

  • POBox

  • Postal

  • Residential

  • Statement

Department string

The department of the building of an agent.

SubDepartment string

The subdepartment of the building of an agent.

StreetName string

The name of the street of an agent.

BuildingNumber string

The number of the building of an agent.

PostCode string

The postal code of an agent.

TownName string

The name the town of an agent.

CountrySubDivision string

The subdivision of the country of an agent.

Country string

The country of an agent.

AddressLine array

The address line of an agent.

DebtorAccount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of the financial institution of a debtor account.

Name string

The name of an account.

SecondaryIdentification string

The secondary identification of an account assigned by the account servicing institution.

HTTP status codes:

The eqwire API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request.

To view a full list of valid response codes, refer to HTTP response codes.

    "Data": {
      "Transaction": [
          "AccountId": "22289",
          "TransactionId": "123",
          "TransactionReference": "Ref 1",
          "StatementReference": [
            "Ref 2"
          "CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
          "Status": "Booked",
          "BookingDateTime": "2022-12-02T10:36:07.946Z",
          "ValueDateTime": "2022-12-02T10:36:07.946Z",
          "AddressLine": "Coventry",
          "Amount": {
            "Amount": "230.00",
            "Currency": "GBP"
          "ChargeAmount": {
            "Amount": "100.00",
            "Currency": "GBP"
          "CurrencyExchange": {
            "SourceCurrency": "GBP",
            "TargetCurrency": "USD",
            "UnitCurrency": "USD",
            "ExchangeRate": 0,
            "ContractIdentification": "80200110203345",
            "QuotationDate": "2022-12-02T10:36:07.946Z",
            "InstructedAmount": {
              "Amount": "95.00",
              "Currency": "GBP"
          "BankTransactionCode": {
            "Code": "ReceivedCreditTransfer",
            "SubCode": "DomesticCreditTransfer"
          "ProprietaryBankTransactionCode": {
            "Code": "Transfer",
            "Issuer": "AlphaBank"
          "CardInstrument": {
            "CardSchemeName": "AmericanExpress",
            "AuthorisationType": "ConsumerDevice",
            "Name": "John Smith",
            "Identification": "Identification"
          "SupplementaryData": {},
          "TransactionInformation": "Transfer",
          "Balance": {
            "CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
            "Type": "ClosingAvailable",
            "Amount": {
              "Amount": "94.58",
              "Currency": "USD"
          "MerchantDetails": {
            "MerchantName": "MerchantName",
            "MerchantCategoryCode": "MerchantCategoryCode"
          "CreditorAgent": {
            "SchemeName": [
            "Identification": "80200110203345",
            "Name": "Mr Kevin",
            "PostalAddress": {
              "AddressType": "Business",
              "Department": "Department",
              "SubDepartment": "SubDepartment",
              "StreetName": "StreetName",
              "BuildingNumber": "BuildingNumber",
              "PostCode": "PostCode",
              "TownName": "TownName",
              "CountrySubDivision": "CountrySubDivision",
              "Country": "Country",
              "AddressLine": [
          "CreditorAccount": {
            "SchemeName": [
            "Identification": "80200110203345",
            "Name": "Mr Kevin",
            "SecondaryIdentification": "00021"
          "DebtorAgent": {
            "SchemeName": [
            "Identification": "80200110203345",
            "Name": "Mr Kevin",
            "PostalAddress": {
              "AddressType": "Business",
              "Department": "Department",
              "SubDepartment": "SubDepartment",
              "StreetName": "StreetName",
              "BuildingNumber": "48",
              "PostCode": "0038",
              "TownName": "TownName",
              "CountrySubDivision": "CountrySubDivision",
              "Country": "Country",
              "AddressLine": [
          "DebtorAccount": {
            "SchemeName": [
            "Identification": "80200110203345",
            "Name": "Mr Kevin",
            "SecondaryIdentification": "00021"
    "Links": {
      "Self": "",
      "First": "",
      "Prev": "",
      "Next": "",
      "Last": ""
    "Meta": {
      "TotalPages": 5,
      "FirstAvailableDateTime": "2022-12-02T10:36:07.947Z",
      "LastAvailableDateTime": "2022-12-02T10:36:07.947Z"