Domestic payments

On this page:


Add a domestic payment consent


Get domestic payment consent details


Get domestic payment consents funds confirmation


Initiate a domestic payment


Get domestic payment details

Get domestic payment consents funds confirmation

Use this method to obtain detailed information about funds confirmation of a specified payment consent.


Header parameters:


The authorization token as per

x-fapi-financial-id required

The unique identifier of the ASPSP issued by the Open Banking system.


The date and time when the PSU has last logged in system using a TPP application.


The IP address of the PSU who has logged in system using a TPP application.


The unique identifier of the initiating party (as per RFC4122 UID) used as a correlation identifier.


The user-agent used by the PSU.

Path parameters:

ConsentId required

The consent identifier.


GET /domestic-payment-consents/consent-id-example/funds-confirmation HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
x-fapi-financial-id: b621cec4-e775-49ab-980a-1900c6a09620
x-fapi-customer-last-logged-time: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Accept: application/json



Data object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
FundsAvailableDateTime string

The date and time when a funds availability check was generated.

FundsAvailable boolean

The availability of funds based on the amount indicated in the consent request.

SupplementaryData object

The additional information about a transaction.

HTTP status codes:

The eqwire API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request.

To view a full list of valid response codes, refer to HTTP response codes.

    "Data": {
      "FundsAvailableResult": {
        "FundsAvailableDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:35:16.778Z",
        "FundsAvailable": true
      "SupplementaryData": {}
    "Links": {
      "Self": "",
      "First": "",
      "Prev": "",
      "Next": "",
      "Last": ""
    "Meta": {
      "TotalPages": 5,
      "FirstAvailableDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:35:16.778Z",
      "LastAvailableDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:35:16.778Z"

Initiate a domestic payment

Use this method to initiate a payment transaction.


Header parameters:


The authorization token as per .

x-idempotency-key required

The unique key that the resource server uses to recognize subsequent retries of the same request.

Every request is only processed once as per x-idempotency-key which is valid for 24 hours.

x-jws-signature required

The detached JSON WEB signature (JWS) of the payload body.

x-fapi-financial-id required

The unique identifier of the ASPSP issued by the Open Banking system.


The date and time when the PSU has last logged in the system using a TPP application.


The IP address of the PSU who has logged in the system using a TPP application.


The unique identifier of the initiating party (as per RFC 4122 UID) used as a correlation identifier.


The user-agent used by the PSU.


Data object required

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
ConsentId string

The consent identifier.

Initiation object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
InstructionIdentification string

The unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify the instruction.

EndToEndIdentification string

The unique identification assigned by the initiating party to identify the transaction.

The Faster Payments Scheme can only access 31 characters for the EndToEndIdentification field.

LocalInstrument string

The local clearing option specifying the service.



  • "UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer"


  • "UK.OBIE.Euro1"


  • "UK.OBIE.Link"

  • "UK.OBIE.MoneyTransfer"

  • "UK.OBIE.Paym"

  • "UK.OBIE.SEPACreditTransfer"

  • "UK.OBIE.SEPAInstantCreditTransfer"


  • "UK.OBIE.Target2"

InstructedAmount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Amount string

The amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.

Currency string

The currency of a transaction as per ISO 4217.

DebtorAccount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of the financial institution of a debtor account.

Name string

The name of an account.

SecondaryIdentification string

The secondary identification of an account assigned by the account servicing institution.

CreditorAccount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of the financial institution of a creditor account.

Name string

The name of an account.

SecondaryIdentification string

The secondary identification of an account assigned by the account servicing institution.

CreditorPostalAddress object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
AddressType string

The address type of an agent. Possible values:

  • Business

  • Correspondence

  • DeliveryTo

  • MailTo

  • POBox

  • Postal

  • Residential

  • Statement

Department string

The department of the building of an agent.

SubDepartment string

The subdepartment of the building of an agent.

StreetName string

The name of the street of an agent.

BuildingNumber string

The number of the building of an agent.

PostCode string

The postal code of an agent.

TownName string

The name the town of an agent.

CountrySubDivision string

The subdivision of the country of an agent.

Country string

The country of an agent.

AddressLine array

The address line of an agent.

RemittanceInformation object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Unstructured string

The information supplied to enable the matching and reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts receivable system, in an unstructured form.

Reference string

The unique reference to the payment transaction assigned by the creditor.

If available, the initiating party should provide this reference in the structured remittance information, to enable reconciliation by the creditor upon receipt of the amount of money.

The Faster Payments Scheme can only accept 18 characters for the ReferenceInformation field.

SupplementaryData object

The additional information about a transaction.

Risk object

The parameters of the Risk section are sent to the ASPSP by the initiating party.

This information is used to specify additional details for the payments risk scoring.

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
PaymentContextCode string

The payment context specification. Possible values:

  • BillPayment

  • EcommerceGoods

  • EcommerceServices

  • Other

  • PartyToParty

MerchantCategoryCode string

The category code as per ISO 18245, related to the type of services or goods the merchant provides for the transaction.

MerchantCustomerIdentification string

The unique customer identifier of the merchant.

DeliveryAddress object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
AddressLine array

The address line for the delivery.

StreetName string

The name of the street.

BuildingNumber string

The number of the building.

PostCode string

The postal code.

TownName string

The name the town.

CountrySubDivision string

The subdivision of the country.

Country string

The name of the country.


    "Data": {
      "ConsentId": "urn-bank-intent-88379",
      "Initiation": {
        "InstructionIdentification": "ACME412",
        "EndToEndIdentification": "FRESCO.21302.GFX.20",
        "LocalInstrument": [
        "InstructedAmount": {
          "Amount": "165.88",
          "Currency": "GBP"
        "DebtorAccount": {
          "SchemeName": [
          "Identification": "08080021325698",
          "Name": "ACME Inc",
          "SecondaryIdentification": "0002"
        "CreditorAccount": {
          "SchemeName": [
          "Identification": "08080021325698",
          "Name": "ACME Inc",
          "SecondaryIdentification": "0002"
        "CreditorPostalAddress": {
          "AddressType": "Business",
          "Department": "Wessex",
          "SubDepartment": "Wessex",
          "StreetName": "Acacia Avenue",
          "BuildingNumber": "235",
          "PostCode": "GU31 2ZZ",
          "TownName": "Sparsholt",
          "CountrySubDivision": "Wessex",
          "Country": "UK",
          "AddressLine": [
            "Flat 7",
            "Acacia Lodge"
        "RemittanceInformation": {
          "Unstructured": "Internal ops code 5120101",
          "Reference": "FRESCO-101"
        "SupplementaryData": {}
    "Risk": {
      "PaymentContextCode": "BillPayment",
      "MerchantCategoryCode": "stri",
      "MerchantCustomerIdentification": "053598653254",
      "DeliveryAddress": {
        "AddressLine": [
          "Flat 7",
          "Acacia Lodge"
        "StreetName": "Acacia Avenue",
        "BuildingNumber": "235",
        "PostCode": "GU31 2ZZ",
        "TownName": "Sparsholt",
        "CountrySubDivision": [
        "Country": "UK"



Data object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
DomesticPaymentId string

The unique identifier of a domestic payment transaction.

ConsentId string

The consent identifier.

CreationDateTime string

The date and time of a domestic payment transaction.

Status string

The consent status. Possible values:

  • AcceptedSettlementCompleted

  • AcceptedSettlementInProcess

  • Pending

  • Rejected

StatusUpdateDateTime string

The date and time when the status of a payment transaction was updated.

ExpectedExecutionDateTime string

The date and time when a payment transaction is expected to be executed.

ExpectedSettlementDateTime string

The date and time of a payment transaction settlement.

charges array

This array provides the following data:

Expand fields
ChargeBearer string

The party which bears the charges associated with the processing of a payment transaction. Possible values:

  • BorneByCreditor

  • BorneByDebtor

  • FollowingServiceLevel

  • Shared

Type string

The charge type, in a coded form.



  • "UK.OBIE.BalanceTransferOut"

  • "UK.OBIE.MoneyTransferOut"

Amount string

The amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.

Currency string

The currency of a transaction as per ISO 4217.

Initiation object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
InstructionIdentification string

The unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously identify the instruction.

EndToEndIdentification string

The unique identification assigned by the initiating party to identify the transaction.

The Faster Payments Scheme can only access 31 characters for the EndToEndIdentification field.

LocalInstrument string

The local clearing option specifying the service.



  • "UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer"


  • "UK.OBIE.Euro1"


  • "UK.OBIE.Link"

  • "UK.OBIE.MoneyTransfer"

  • "UK.OBIE.Paym"

  • "UK.OBIE.SEPACreditTransfer"

  • "UK.OBIE.SEPAInstantCreditTransfer"


  • "UK.OBIE.Target2"

InstructedAmount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Amount string

The amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.

Currency string

The currency of a transaction as per ISO 4217.

DebtorAccount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of the financial institution of a debtor account.

Name string

The name of an account.

SecondaryIdentification string

The secondary identification of an account assigned by the account servicing institution.

CreditorAccount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of the financial institution of a creditor account.

Name string

The name of an account.

SecondaryIdentification string

The secondary identification of an account assigned by the account servicing institution.

CreditorPostalAddress object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
AddressType string

The address type of an agent. Possible values:

  • Business

  • Correspondence

  • DeliveryTo

  • MailTo

  • POBox

  • Postal

  • Residential

  • Statement

Department string

The department of the building of an agent.

SubDepartment string

The subdepartment of the building of an agent.

StreetName string

The name of the street of an agent.

BuildingNumber string

The number of the building of an agent.

PostCode string

The postal code of an agent.

TownName string

The name the town of an agent.

CountrySubDivision string

The subdivision of the country of an agent.

Country string

The country of an agent.

AddressLine array

The address line of an agent.

RemittanceInformation object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Unstructured string

The information supplied to enable the matching and reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts receivable system, in an unstructured form.

Reference string

The unique reference to the payment transaction assigned by the creditor.

If available, the initiating party should provide this reference in the structured remittance information, to enable reconciliation by the creditor upon receipt of the amount of money.

The Faster Payments Scheme can only accept 18 characters for the ReferenceInformation field.

SupplementaryData object

The additional information about a transaction.

MultiAuthorization object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Status string

The authorization type. Possible values:

  • Authorized

  • AwaitingFurtherAuthorization

  • Rejected

NumberRequired integer

The total number of authorisations required for a payment order.

NumberReceived integer

The total number of authorisations received for a payment order.

LastUpdateDateTime string

The date and time when an authorization has last been updated.

ExpirationDateTime string

The date and time when an authorization is due to expire.

HTTP status codes:

The eqwire API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request.

To view a full list of valid response codes, refer to HTTP response codes.

    "Data": {
      "DomesticPaymentId": "58923-001",
      "ConsentId": "58923",
      "CreationDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:57:02.064Z",
      "Status": "AcceptedSettlementCompleted",
      "StatusUpdateDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:57:02.064Z",
      "ExpectedExecutionDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:57:02.064Z",
      "ExpectedSettlementDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:57:02.064Z",
      "Charges": [
          "ChargeBearer": "BorneByCreditor",
          "Type": [
          "Amount": {
            "Amount": "165.88",
            "Currency": "GBP"
      "Initiation": {
        "InstructionIdentification": "ACME412",
        "EndToEndIdentification": "FRESCO.21302.GFX.20",
        "LocalInstrument": [
        "InstructedAmount": {
          "Amount": "165.88",
          "Currency": "GBP"
        "DebtorAccount": {
          "SchemeName": [
          "Identification": "08080021325698",
          "Name": "ACME Inc",
          "SecondaryIdentification": "0008"
        "CreditorAccount": {
          "SchemeName": [
          "Identification": "08080021325677",
          "Name": "NTPC Inc",
          "SecondaryIdentification": "0002"
        "CreditorPostalAddress": {
          "AddressType": "Business",
          "Department": "Wessex",
          "SubDepartment": "Wessex",
          "StreetName": "Acacia Lodge",
          "BuildingNumber": "235",
          "PostCode": "GU31 2ZZ",
          "TownName": "Sparsholt",
          "CountrySubDivision": "Wessex",
          "Country": "UK",
          "AddressLine": [
            "Flat 7",
            "Acacia Lodge"
        "RemittanceInformation": {
          "Unstructured": "Internal ops code 5120101",
          "Reference": "FRESCO-101"
        "SupplementaryData": {}
      "MultiAuthorisation": {
        "Status": "Authorised",
        "NumberRequired": 0,
        "NumberReceived": 0,
        "LastUpdateDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:57:02.064Z",
        "ExpirationDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:57:02.064Z"
    "Links": {
      "Self": "",
      "First": "",
      "Prev": "",
      "Next": "",
      "Last": ""
    "Meta": {
      "TotalPages": 5,
      "FirstAvailableDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:57:02.064Z",
      "LastAvailableDateTime": "2023-01-19T06:57:02.064Z"

Get domestic payment details

Use this method to obtain detailed information about a specified domestic payment.


Header parameters:


The authorization token as per

x-fapi-financial-id required

The unique identifier of the ASPSP issued by the Open Banking system.


The date and time when the PSU has last logged in system using a TPP application.


The IP address of the PSU who has logged in system using a TPP application.


The unique identifier of the initiating party (as per RFC4122 UID) used as a correlation identifier.


The user-agent used by the PSU.

Path parameters:

domesticPaymentId required

The consent identifier.


GET /domestic-payments/domestic-payment-id-example HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
x-fapi-financial-id: b621cec4-e775-49ab-980a-1900c6a09620
x-fapi-customer-last-logged-time: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d
Accept: application/json



Data object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
DomesticPaymentId string

The unique identifier of a domestic payment transaction.

ConsentId string

The consent identifier.

CreationDateTime string

The date and time of a domestic payment transaction.

Status string

The consent status. Possible values:

  • AcceptedSettlementCompleted

  • AcceptedSettlementInProcess

  • Pending

  • Rejected

StatusUpdateDateTime string

The date and time when the status of a payment transaction was updated.

ExpectedExecutionDateTime string

The date and time when a payment transaction is expected to be executed.

ExpectedSettlementDateTime string

The date and time of a payment transaction settlement.

charges array

This array provides the following data:

Expand fields
ChargeBearer string

The party which bears the charges associated with the processing of a payment transaction. Possible values:

  • BorneByCreditor

  • BorneByDebtor

  • FollowingServiceLevel

  • Shared

Type string

The charge type, in a coded form.



  • "UK.OBIE.BalanceTransferOut"

  • "UK.OBIE.MoneyTransferOut"

Amount string

The amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.

Currency string

The currency of a transaction as per ISO 4217.

Initiation object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
InstructionIdentification string

The unique identification assigned by an instructing party to identify the instruction.

EndToEndIdentification string

The unique identification assigned by the initiating party to identify the transaction.

The Faster Payments Scheme can only access 31 characters for the EndToEndIdentification field.

LocalInstrument string

The local clearing option specifying the service.



  • "UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer"


  • "UK.OBIE.Euro1"


  • "UK.OBIE.Link"

  • "UK.OBIE.MoneyTransfer"

  • "UK.OBIE.Paym"

  • "UK.OBIE.SEPACreditTransfer"

  • "UK.OBIE.SEPAInstantCreditTransfer"


  • "UK.OBIE.Target2"

InstructedAmount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Amount string

The amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party. This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.

Currency string

The currency of a transaction as per ISO 4217.

DebtorAccount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of the financial institution of a debtor account.

Name string

The name of an account.

SecondaryIdentification string

The secondary identification of an account assigned by the account servicing institution.

CreditorAccount object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
SchemeName string

The name of a scheme.

Identification string

The identifier of the financial institution of a creditor account.

Name string

The name of an account.

SecondaryIdentification string

The secondary identification of an account assigned by the account servicing institution.

CreditorPostalAddress object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
AddressType string

The address type of an agent. Possible values:

  • Business

  • Correspondence

  • DeliveryTo

  • MailTo

  • POBox

  • Postal

  • Residential

  • Statement

Department string

The department of the building of an agent.

SubDepartment string

The subdepartment of the building of an agent.

StreetName string

The name of the street of an agent.

BuildingNumber string

The number of the building of an agent.

PostCode string

The postal code of an agent.

TownName string

The name the town of an agent.

CountrySubDivision string

The subdivision of the country of an agent.

Country string

The country of an agent.

AddressLine array

The address line of an agent.

RemittanceInformation object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Unstructured string

The information supplied to enable the matching and reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts receivable system, in an unstructured form.

Reference string

The unique reference to the payment transaction assigned by the creditor.

If available, the initiating party should provide this reference in the structured remittance information, to enable reconciliation by the creditor upon receipt of the amount of money.

The Faster Payments Scheme can only accept 18 characters for the ReferenceInformation field.

SupplementaryData object

The additional information about a transaction.

MultiAuthorization object

This object provides the following data:

Expand fields
Status string

The authorization type. Possible values:

  • Authorized

  • AwaitingFurtherAuthorization

  • Rejected

NumberRequired integer

The total number of authorisations required for a payment order.

NumberReceived integer

The total number of authorisations received for a payment order.

LastUpdateDateTime string

The date and time when an authorization has last been updated.

ExpirationDateTime string

The date and time when an authorization is due to expire.

HTTP status codes:

The eqwire API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request.

To view a full list of valid response codes, refer to HTTP response codes.

    "Data": {
      "DomesticPaymentId": "58923-001",
      "ConsentId": "58923",
      "CreationDateTime": "2023-01-19T07:18:51.933Z",
      "Status": "AcceptedSettlementCompleted",
      "StatusUpdateDateTime": "2023-01-19T07:18:51.933Z",
      "ExpectedExecutionDateTime": "2023-01-19T07:18:51.933Z",
      "ExpectedSettlementDateTime": "2023-01-19T07:18:51.933Z",
      "Charges": [
          "ChargeBearer": "BorneByCreditor",
          "Type": [
          "Amount": {
            "Amount": "165.88",
            "Currency": "GBP"
      "Initiation": {
        "InstructionIdentification": "ACME412",
        "EndToEndIdentification": "FRESCO.21302.GFX.20",
        "LocalInstrument": [
        "InstructedAmount": {
          "Amount": "165.88",
          "Currency": "GBP"
        "DebtorAccount": {
          "SchemeName": [
          "Identification": "08080021325698",
          "Name": "ACME Inc",
          "SecondaryIdentification": "0002"
        "CreditorAccount": {
          "SchemeName": [
          "Identification": "08080021325698",
          "Name": "ACME Inc",
          "SecondaryIdentification": "0002"
        "CreditorPostalAddress": {
          "AddressType": "Business",
          "Department": "Wessex",
          "SubDepartment": "Wessex",
          "StreetName": "Acacia Lodge",
          "BuildingNumber": "235",
          "PostCode": "GU31 2ZZ",
          "TownName": "Sparsholt",
          "CountrySubDivision": "Wessex",
          "Country": "UK",
          "AddressLine": [
            "Flat 7",
            "Acacia Lodge"
        "RemittanceInformation": {
          "Unstructured": "Internal ops code 5120101",
          "Reference": "FRESCO-101"
        "SupplementaryData": {}
      "MultiAuthorisation": {
        "Status": "Authorised",
        "NumberRequired": 0,
        "NumberReceived": 0,
        "LastUpdateDateTime": "2023-01-19T07:18:51.933Z",
        "ExpirationDateTime": "2023-01-19T07:18:51.933Z"
    "Links": {
      "Self": "",
      "First": "",
      "Prev": "",
      "Next": "",
      "Last": ""
    "Meta": {
      "TotalPages": 5,
      "FirstAvailableDateTime": "2023-01-19T07:18:51.933Z",
      "LastAvailableDateTime": "2023-01-19T07:18:51.933Z"